- Dec 9 - Final
- Project
- e.g. http://ec2-54-69-36-110.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3001/
- make an nodejs express app running on your Amazon vm.
- node process must be running as a deamon.
- listen on the default 3000 port. (port 3002 ~ 3009 will be forwarded to your the 3000 port of you vm)
- the home page should have content “Welcome to Express”
- Hints & References
- nodejs (the engin) - http://nodejs.org/
- you may want to use nvm (the node version manager) - https://github.com/creationix/nvm
- you may want to use npm (the package manager) - https://www.npmjs.org/
- express (the web framework) - http://expressjs.com/
- you may want to use forever (the daemonizer) - https://www.npmjs.org/package/forever
- Project