Stayman's Blog

A blog belongs to a DevSecOps consultant, hacker, and entrepreneur.

Practical Linux - Part 10 - File Operation & Searching | 文件操作与搜索

  • Nov 4 - File Operation & Searching
    • Wildcard
      • *
        • ls -l /usr/bin/X*
    • Searching
      • which [-a] for command
        • which ls
      • for file
        • whereis
          • whereis ifconfig
        • locate [-ir]
          • locate passwd
          • search from db
          • updatedb
        • find
          • find / -mtime 0
          • find /etc -newer /etc/passwd
          • find /home -user ubuntu
          • find / -name passwd
          • find /var -type f
          • find /etc -name passwd -exec cat {} \;
          • find / -size +1000k
          • find /etc -name '*ssh*'
    • Regex
      • grep
        • last | grep 'root'
        • last | grep -v 'root'
        • dmesg | grep 'eth'
        • dmesg | grep -n 'eth'
      • sed
        • sed 's/old/new/g'
      • awk
    • Assignment
      • log on your amazon vm
      • use find to find all the files under your home directory which has been modified within 3 weeks
      • use grep to find all the files containing * under /etc
      • use sed to replace ‘exit’ in file .bash_history with ‘exat’
