Stayman's Blog

A blog belongs to a DevSecOps consultant, hacker, and entrepreneur.

Practical Linux - Part 07 - User/Permission System | 用户与权限系统

  • Oct 14 - User/Permission System
    • Steps to setup text mode on boot:
    • uid & gid
      • Linux knows id not name
    • /etc/passwd
      • username:password:uid:gid:description:home_dir:shell
    • /etc/shadow
      • username:hashed_password:modification_date:…
    • /etc/group
      • groupname:gpassword:gid:groupuser
      • initial group - gid in /etc/passwd
      • effective group - egid - e.g. create file
    • ACL
    • switch user
      • reasons
        • good habit
        • limit permission
        • some programs do not support root
    • user shell
      • /sbin/nologin
    • user info
      • last
      • w / who
      • wall - broadcast
    • commands
      • users - show
      • useradd - add
        • -D default value
      • adduser - add
      • passwd - modify
        • root can reset password
      • usermod - modify
      • userdel - delete
      • groups
      • newgrp - change egid
      • groupadd
      • groupmod
      • groupdel
      • su -
      • sudo <command>
        • interval
      • visudo - /etc/sudoers
    • Assignment
      • log on your amazon vm
      • create a new user ‘oct14’
      • create a new group ‘ftpusers’
      • add user ‘oct14’ into group ‘ftpusers’ (also keep the original group of the user)
      • switch user to root
      • use touch command to create a new file in /root
