Stayman's Blog

A blog belongs to a DevSecOps consultant, hacker, and entrepreneur.

Practical Linux - Part 06 - File System | 文件系统

  • Oct 9 - File System
    • User/Group/Other
      • users
      • groups
      • ls -al
      • *root
      • /etc/passwd & /etc/group & /etc/shadow
    • File property
      • ls -al
      • i-node
      • permission - type user-rwx group -rwx other -rwx
        • set uid, set guid, set bit
        • /tmp, /usr/bin/passwd
      • size -h
      • time
      • . hidden file
    • Modify
      • chown
      • chgrp
      • chmod
    • File Type
        • regular file
      • d directory
      • l link
      • b/c device
      • s sockets
      • p pipe
    • Extension
      • .sh .tar .html .php
    • System Directories
      • root /
        • /bin
        • /boot
        • /dev
        • /etc
        • /home
        • /lib
        • /media
        • /mnt
        • /opt
        • /root
        • /sbin
        • /tmp
        • /proc
      • /usr - shareable, static
      • /var - vary - cache, log, lock, run file & mysql db
    • directory tree | absolute & relative path
      • . & ..
    • Mount
      • df
      • /etc/fstab & /etc/mtab
    • Arhcive
      • Tar
        • tar zcvfp
        • tar zxqf
      • Dump
        • dump
        • backup level
          • full | incremental | differentiate backup
    • Commands
      • cd
      • pwd
      • mkdir
      • echo $PATH
      • ls
      • cp
      • mv
      • rm
      • cat tac more less head tail
      • touch
      • ln
        • hard link
        • soft link / symbolic link
      • df
      • du
      • mount umount
    • Practice
    • Assignment
      • log on your amazon vm
      • create a directory ‘oct9’ under your home
      • under the new directory, create a new file ‘changemypermission’, and change it’s permission to ‘-rwxr-xr–’
      • under the new directory, create a new file ‘changemyownnership’, and change it’s ownership to ‘stayman:root’
      • under the new directory, create a hidden file, pick any filename you like
      • under the new directory, create a soft link / symbolic link ‘mypasswdlink’, pointing ‘/etc/passwd’
      • under your home directory, use tar to compress the new directory into a file ‘oct9.tar.gz’
      • under your home directory, delete the file ‘touchme.txt’, which you created in the last assignment
