Stayman's Blog

A blog belongs to a DevSecOps consultant, hacker, and entrepreneur.

Practical Linux - Part 03 - Unity (Desktop Environment) & X Window System | Linux 实践教程 - Part 03 - Unity(桌面环境)与X Window系统

  • Sep 30 - Unity (Desktop Environment) & X Window System
    • Windows
      • Left VS Right
      • Menu on top VS Menu in window
    • Browser
    • File Manager
    • Input Method
    • Applications
      • Win + A
    • Software Center
    • Virtual Desktop
      • Switch - Ctrl + Alt + ↑↓← →
      • Move Window - Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ↑↓← →
    • System Settings
    • TTY (Controlling Terminal) - Host + F1~F7
      • System Monitor
    • X Window - startx
    • Assignment
      • use above tools and take screenshots
