Today, I decided to start making my own blog. The major reason is that I can’t find enough blogs talking about Chef. This makes things perticularly difficult when I started working on Chef. Not to mention blogs in Chinese. Therefore, I wanna record what I learned, and share it with the IT folk in the world. I will write both in English & Chinese. Hopefully it could help the IT guys in China.
This post describes how I built the dev environment and the server stack of this blog.
The reasons why I chose EC2 + Vagrant + Octopress are that: 1) EC2: flexibility + 1 year free tier 2) Vagrant: easy-to-launch virtual environment + sync folder setting = fast start + favorite editor + no messing up my local env 3) OctoPress: IT-guys-oriented + everything static (no php, etc.) good for performance
我用了 EC2 + Vagrant + Octopress,原因是: 1) EC2: 灵活性 + 一年免费 2) Vagrant: 最方便启用的虚拟环境 + 同步文件夹设定 = 立马开始 + 可以用最爱的编辑器 + 不会搞乱本地环境 3) OctoPress: IT人专用的blog + 纯静态 (不跑php等脚本) 性能好
Part 1: Vagrant 第一部分: Vagrant
To be honest, Vagrant is pretty optional. Octopress comes with a local dev environment. However, I still prefer to have a dev box so that ruby, gem, bundle will not mess up my laptop. Vagrant is the perfect environment I want. To get started:
说实话,Vagrant是可以不用搭的。Octopress自带了一个简单的本地开发环境。不过我个人还是喜欢用一个独立的box来开发。因为ruby, gem, bundle很容易把我笔记本的环境搞得一团糟。所以Vagrant就正中我下怀了。那么我们开始吧。
First of all, my laptop is running Ubuntu 14.04. 事先声明,我的本子跑的是Ubuntu 14.04。
Open Ubuntu Software Center. Search for VirtualBox and Vagrant. Install them. 打开Ubuntu Software Center,搜索VirtualBox和Vagrant,安装。
Now, we are ready to launch vagrant box. Lets first setup a directory to contain the vagrant box config files. 现在vagrant就可以跑了。 先新建一个文件夹用来保存vagrant的配置文件Vagrantfile
Lets initiate the box with the basic ubuntu image. 我们用basic ubuntu镜像来初始化这个vagrant box
Add the basic image to your local boxes. In my case, I chose 14.04 x64. You can use any version & architecture you want. Remember to change the box name and the url accordingly. You are able to find all the available ubuntu images here 先把这个镜像加载到你的本地上。我用的是14.04 x64。你可以根据你的情况选择不同的ubuntu版本和架构。根据情况修改加载box的名字和url。在这里可以找到可用的镜像
Go to your vagrant box directory and initiate it. cd
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Find out these two lines in the default ~/vagrant/octopress/Vagrantfile
and replace the value. In my case: 在Vagrantfile
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The attribute config.vm.synced_folder
will sync the directory ~/Personal/
on my host machine with the /data/
. You could think them are some sort of shared folder. Therefore, ~/Personal/
will be the diretory that contain my blog source code. 这样的话,两个文件夹:在你机子上的~/Personal/
就同步了. 可以把他们想成是共享文件夹。所以以后直接编辑~/Personal/
We can boot the box now. In your ~/vagrant/octopress
directory. 初始化号以后我们就可以启动这个vagrant虚拟机了
After the box is up, run the following command to ssh into the box. 虚拟机启动好以后下面的指令
We are now inside of the running box! 这样我们就进到虚拟机啦!是不是很简单呀
Lets setup the web server stack in this box. Then it will be turned into your dev environment. 让我们在新的虚拟机上设置网站服务栈吧。之后这个就成为你的开发环境咯。
Always update the package info first. 永远是先更新所有包的信息
Install rvm
- ruby version manager 安装rvm
And followed by: 然后
Install ruby 2.1.2
with rvm
: 用rvm
安装ruby 2.1.2
Install bundler
Ruby is now ready. ruby环境就搭好了
We will also need a js engine for javascript runtime. This will be used by octopress later. 另外我们还需要一个javascript runtime引擎,一会儿octopress会用上它
And the most important - Nginx
After install nginx, lets make the config file for your site. 安装完成之后,来做配置文件
Put the following content in the the available site config file. Change the domain name accordingly. 把下面的内容放进去,把域名换成你自己的
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Great! the setup in the box is done. The web server will serve the documents in /data/
directory. Don’t worry, the directory doesn’t exist now. And therefore, nginx will give you 404 not found or 403 forbidden. We will get it to work soon. Exit the vagrant box by hitting Ctrl + D
. Halt the box by running: 好,到此为止,vagrant的配置就搞定了,访问的时候它会伺服/data/
的内容。当然现在可能会告诉你 403或者404,莫慌,跑完下面的配置,它就该正常工作了。按Ctrl + D
Part 2: OctoPress 第二部分: OctoPress
Ok, now, fork and clone the OctoPress repo into your github and local machine. 现在把OctoPress给fork到你自己的github,再clone到本地
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You can now edit the code with your favorate text editor. My favorate is Sublime Text. If you haven’t tried it, give it a shot. 这样你就可以用自己最顺手的编辑器编辑了,我喜欢Sublime Text。没试过的话,建议尝试
Let’s go back into the vagrant box. 现在回到vagrant虚拟机
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You will find that the newly clone code is also in the directory /data/
. It is because we have configured vagrant to sync it. Inside the box: 你会发现刚clone来的代码已经在/data/
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This will install all the gems that are required by OctoPress. 这个会把所有需要的gem都安装好 Running next command to generate the pages of your blog. 跑下面这个指令,博客的页面就生成啦
Now, your blog is up and running in your dev box.
To take a look at it. Go back to your local machine by fire up a new terminal. Add the new line
in your hosts file. 现在,你的博客已经在开发环境下跑起来了。想先看一眼?回到本机。加一行192.168.33.101
I manage my hosts file with a firefox adon HostAdmin
. Give it a shot. 我比较喜欢用一个叫HostAdmin
Now, if we enter
in a browser, we will be able to view your blog! You can modify the _config.yml
to do some basic customization. Here is my _config.yml
: 现在在浏览器里面输入
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Part 3: EC2 (Server Stack Setup) 第三部分: EC2 (服务栈设置)
Here is the most exciting part. We will soon make your blog publicly available. 这里就是最精彩的部分了,马上我们的博客就要真实上线了
Launch a T2.micro instance. In my case, I want to use two EBS volumes. One for system, the other for site data. Lets allocate 15GB for each volume. Attache them as /dev/xvda and /dev/xvdb. 新建一个T2.micro instance。我的话,想要用两个EBS卷,一个用来放系统,一个用来放网站的东西。我各配了15G,分别作为/dev/xvda和/dev/xvdb连接上去
Use the command lsblk
to verify the volumes that you attached. 用lsblk
/dev/xvdb is probably now a raw block without any file system. Let’s format the volumes into ext4. If you have no idea what this is about, just follow it. /dev/xvdb现在很可能是个裸块儿,还没有文件系统,我们把它格式化一下。如果你不太明白的话,跑这个指令就行了
The formating process may take a while. After that, let’s mount the formated sf on to /data
directory. This is gonna be the place where we will put your site files. 格式化可能会用一些时间,完了之后我们把这个文件系统挂载到/data
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To make your second volume always available after reboot, edit the /etc/fstab
file 为了让它每次重启之后都自己会挂载,我们要编辑/etc/fstab
And add this line 里面加上这一行
Test if the new config takes place 测试一下好不好使
Create a new user for the site files only. That meets the principle of least privilege. 新建一个用户,专门作为网站文件的owner,这个是最小权限原则
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Lets install Nginx
. 安装Nginx
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And then create common.conf and the site config. This will make your available both through http and https. Probably you don’t want https, feel free to comment it out. 然后写入common.conf和网站配置文件。这个例子里面会网站同时跑http和https,你多半不需要https,可以注释掉
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Make the site enabled by add a soft link in the sites-enabled
directory. And then restart nginx to apply it. 用软联启用网站的配置。然后重启nginx
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Last step. Enable your vagrant box to deploy your blog onto your by adding you vagrant box ssh public key.
In your vagrant box. cat
your public key as user vagrant
. 最后一步,让你的vagrant虚拟机可以把你的博客部署到EC2上。看一下你vagrant
In the EC2 instance. Open the authorized_keys
file for user bloguser
, and add you vagrant box ssh prublic key in it. 在你的EC2 instance里面把这个公钥加入authorized_keys
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Open the Rakefile of the blog with your favorite editor. Edit the Rsync Deploy config
to match the configuration on your EC2 instance. 打开你博客的Rakefile,找到Rsync Deploy config
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Now, deploy your site, let everyone see it. 现在,把你的博客上传上去把,大家就能看到拉
That’s it. If everything goes right, you will get your blog running in both vagrant box as dev env, and EC2 as prod env. Enjoy free (for a year and no heavy traffic) blogging with OctoPress. If your blog gets popular, you probably want add Varnish in front of it, and upgrade your instance. 大功告成。如果一切都作对了的话,你的博客应该正式上线了,在vagrant的开发环境也应该OK。用OctoPress随便玩吧,一年的时间是免费的,只要你没有什么很大的流量的话。如果你的博客越来越热门了,可以考虑在前面加一个Varnish,然后升级一下instance。