Stayman's Blog

A blog belongs to a DevSecOps consultant, hacker, and entrepreneur.

Practical Linux - Part 13 - Daemon & Cron Job | 守护进程与计划作业

  • Nov 13 - Daemon & Cron Job
    • Daemon
      • What?
        • Deamon - A Process of Some Service
      • Category
        • Signal-control
        • Interval-control
      • Naming
        • xxxxd
      • Service & Port
        • cat /etc/services
      • Start & Config
        • /etc/init.d/*
        • /etc/sysconfig/* | /etc/default/*
        • /etc/<service>d.conf, /etc/<service>d.d/*
        • /var/lib/* - data
        • /var/run/* - pid file
        • e.g.
          • /etc/init.d/crond start
          • service crond start
          • (status, stop, restart)
        • update-rc.d
    • Cron/Crontab
      • What?
        • time-based job scheduler
      • atd & crond
      • e.g.
        • logrotate
        • locate
      • atd -
      • crond
      • crontab [-u username] [-l|-e|-r]
    • Assgnment
      • Log on your Amazon vm
      • Install cron
      • make sure the cron deamon is running
      • create a cron job that runs touch nov13 every 5 minutes on Tuesday & Thursday - make sure it creates the file
      • stop crond
