Stayman's Blog

A blog belongs to a DevSecOps consultant, hacker, and entrepreneur.

Practical Linux - Part 12 - Package System & Software Installation | 软件包系统与安装

  • Nov 11 - Package System & Software Installation
    • Package System
      • (off-line) - rpm & dpkg
      • (online & dependency) - yum & apt
      • rpm & yum -
    • dpkg
      • Why? (vs tar + make + gcc…)
        • easy to install
        • easy to upgrade
        • efficient - pre-compiled
        • track install info
    • apt
      • How?
        • repository
        • header
    • commands
      • dpkg -
        • install -i
        • query
          • list -l
          • search -S
          • status -s
        • verify / signature -V
        • config --configure
        • remove -r
        • purge -P
      • apt -
        • query
          • list apt-cache pkgnames
          • search apt-cache search apache2
          • info apt-cache show apache2
        • update apt-get update
        • upgrade apt-get upgrade (every package)
        • install apt-get install apache2 (upgrade single package)
        • remove apt-get remove apache2
        • purge apt-get purge apache2
    • Which to use
      • apt > offical repo > third-party repo > dpkg > tar & make
    • Assignment
      • log on your Amazon vm
      • install curl
      • use curl to save the google home page into a new directory ‘nov11’
      • uninstall the related package so that the ping command will not be found in the system
