Stayman's Blog

A blog belongs to a DevSecOps consultant, hacker, and entrepreneur.

Practical Linux - Part 08 - Process & Memory System | 进程与内存系统

  • Oct 16 - Process & Memory System
    • What is process:
      • execute program
        • PID
        • UID/GID
        • example: bash
      • parent process & child process
        • example bash <enter> ps -l
        • fork & exec system call
      • daemon
    • Multi-processing
      • multiple online user
      • multiple processes
        • tty1~7
    • Process Control
      • foreground & background
        • ctrl + c
      • <command> &
      • <command> > /tmp/log.txt 2>&1 &
      • stop ctrl + z
      • jobs
      • fg [jobid]
      • bg [jobid]
      • kill -signal %jobid
        • kill -l
        • 1, 2, 9, 15, 19
      • killall
      • nohup <command> &
      • ps
      • top
        • load = processes using or waiting for CPU
        • PR = priority. PR = NI + 20
        • NI = Nice. the higher, the nicer
      • renice [nice] <PID>
      • free
      • /proc
        • uptime
        • version
        • vmstat
        • zoneinfo
      • lsof
    • Assignment
      • log on your amazon vm
      • make sure your vm has the following to process in the background even you log out:
        • a running process running sleep 1209600 && echo "finally I'm awake. goodbye" > ~/log.txt
        • a stopped process running ping localhost
